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Travel Information

Nepal’s acronym Never Ending Peace And Love, does well to characterize this nation of good-natured and accommodating people; a land of majestic Himalayan scenery comprising eight of the world’s ten highest mountains, including Mt Everest the uppermost place on earth at 29,029ft (8,848m).

Situated between India and Tibet, the Kingdom of Nepal is filled with many different ethnic groups, customs, and traditions reflected in wonderfully diverse geography.

Spread across these varied altitudes are communities of colorful cultures and people (many untouched by modern development), animated cities and towns, and far-flung mountain villages. Life here revolves around an intricate intermingling of ancient Hindu and Buddhist religious rituals. Numerous festivals are celebrated throughout the year colored by a diversity of religious and tribal traditions. The capital of Kathmandu brings an assortment of these different societies together into a vibrant collection of brilliant sights and exotic smells, with modern shops co-existing with street sellers, while pyramidal Buddhist temples, holy Sadhus of the Hindu faith, and medieval palace squares fill the urban landscape.

Nepal has many attractions, but the essence of the country is its smiling, friendly people with their heartfelt palm-pressed greetings, and together with its inspiring scenery, this beguiling kingdom is a place where one visit is usually not enough to satisfy the captivated traveler. Find Cheap Flights to Nepal with Cheapflights.

Nepal at Glance

Religion Nepal enjoys the distinction of being the only Hindu Nation in the world. However, there is a harmonious blending of Hinduism and Buddhism, and a few other religions too.

LOCATION It borders the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China in the North and India in the East, South, and West respectively.

AREA 147,181 sq. kilometers.

ALTITUDE Varies from 70 meters to 8848 meters.

CAPITAL Kathmandu.

POPULATION 1,84,91,097

LANGUAGE Nepali is the national language of Nepal. Educated people understand and speak English as well.

TIME Nepal Time is 5 hours 45 minutes ahead of GMT and 15 minutes ahead of Indian standard time.

Visa Information

Visa Note

(a) All nationals referred to in the chart above may obtain tourist visas on arrival at the airport.

(b) Business can be conducted on a Tourist visa for up to 30 days.


Applications to

Visa Fee

Type of Visa     Valid up to Total Cost

Tourist multiple     15 days     $25.00

Tourist multiple     30 days     $40.00

Tourist multiple     90 days     $100.00

Business multiple     15 days     $25.00

Business multiple     30 days     $40.00

Business multiple     90 days     $100.00

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Customs & Clearance

All baggage is subject to customs check at the point of entry. Visitors are allowed to bring in consumable articles such as liquor one bottle of up to 1.15 liters, 200 sticks of cigarettes, 15 rolls of photo film, and 12 rolls of movie camera film. Visitors are also allowed to carry one binocular, one camera, one movie camera, one video camera, one radio, one tape recorder, one bicycle, one wristwatch, one set of fountain pens, one perambulator, 15 radio cassettes & 10 disk records into the country on the condition that they are declared and are to be taken back on return. Carrying narcotics, arms, and ammunition is strictly prohibited. Visitors can export souvenirs to their respective countries. The export of antiques requires a special certificate from the Department of Archaeology, National Archive Building, Ram Shah Path, Kathmandu, Gold, silver, precious stones, wild animals and their skins, horns, etc, all drugs whether processed or in their natural state, are prohibited to export.


International Departure Tax

This includes in Ticket Fee.

Domestic Departure Tax

Rs 200 per person



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