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Larkya Peak Climbing 24 Days 23 Night

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Larkya Peak Climbing lies a beautiful challenging trekking peak of Around Manaslu Trek. Manaslu Base Camp before Larkya Peak 6249 m is in the Manaslu region. Larkya Peak is in Western Gorkha District Nepal tourist and is rated the 60th tallest peak standing in the world. The route to the majestic Larkya peak leads through Gorkha in the northwest. Top from Larkya peak inspiring view of Kang Guru (6981 m), Annapurna II (7937 m), Himlung Himal (7126 m) is at its best. Tsum Valley Trek

This peak is a bit tricky but is not so difficult to climb technically. Along the route, there are settlements offering the opportunity to discover sites and natives with a different cultures, ancient monasteries, prayer flags and wheels dotted along are always a familiar sight throughout the trek. Peak is one of the rarely climbed peaks in Nepal opened for climbers in 2,002. Nepal mountaineering association has graded Larkya Peak Climbing in Nepal. It is the most satisfying peak to climb in conjunction with the Manaslu circuit trek and serves the dominating view of Manaslu, Ganesh, Annapurna, Himlung Himal, and beyond. Besides Mountain Views, Larkya Peak climbing offers a unique combination of rich cultural heritage, unrivaled natural beauty, and biological diversity. Bhimtang Panorama Trekking

The peak climbing journey takes you through villages with massive Buddhist faith and Tibetan-influenced culture to the top of a magnificent peak in the Manaslu region all the while never failing to amaze you with the rich bio-diversity in the route along the trek.  Larkya Peak’s caravan from Barpak-Laprak and Dharache dada is better for good acclimatization with panoramic views of the Annapurna range, Langtang Himal ranges, Himalchuli, Boudha Himal, Sringi Himal, and many more mountains with the bio-diversity of culture and tradition en route. Basically, one can experience the lift time observation of the Gurung community. Manaslu Circut trek

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Day 01:
Arrival in Kathmandu.

Arrival in Kathmandu. Welcome to Nepal! Ramdung Expedition representative will meet you at the airport and bring you to your hotel in Kathmandu. You can take a rest or if you are arriving earlier, can visit around the city. In the evening we will hold a briefing session regarding your trip and get to know your Nepali trekking companion. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. O/N Hotel.

Day 02:
Sightseeing trip / Trek preparationKathmandu valley

Sightseeing trip / Trek preparation Kathmandu valley has fantastic UNESCO world heritages all around. Today after breakfast, you’ll be visiting Boudhanath Stupa (the largest Buddhist shrines in the world), Pashupatinath (the holiest Hindu temple in the world), Durbar Squares (Palaces and fortresses of medieval Kings). The lifestyle of the Nepalese people, holy sadhus and monks, the fascinating history, and the awe-inspiring architecture will be the highlight of this day. You can also buy or rent any needed gear or clothing from trekking/mountaineering shops. O/N Hotel (B)

Day 03:
Drive to Aarughat

Drive to Aarughat Your Trekking staff will come to your Hotel in the early morning at around 8.00 am to pick you up, from there we’ll have a 6-7 hour depending upon the road condition driving journey to Arughat. O/N Tea house (B, L, D)

Day 04:
Trek to Soti Khola (775m)

Trek to Soti Khola (775m) After the morning breakfast, we’ll start our journey following the Budhi Gandaki River toward its point of origin. We’ll be passing the village of Morder and Simre to reach the Arughat River. Then we ascend slowly towards Kyoropani. Camp today nears the confluence of Seti River - an ideal place to take a fresh water bath and clean the clothes. O/N Teahouse (B,L, D)

Day 05:
Trek to Machha Khola (900m)

Trek to Machha Khola (900m) The trail starts descends slowly until you climb again to mountain ridge to Almara. Then Pass the forest trail to arrive at the village called Riden Gaon. The valley here cuts into another side of the river to enter Budhi Gandaki. Then at Lambesi, the trail follows down to the sandy river bed of Budhi Gandaki. O/N Camping (B, L, D)

Day 06:
Trek to Jagat (1340m)

Trek to Jagat (1340m) After crossing Machha River and Khrola best, there is a hot spring called "Tatopani". The trail follows a forested area towards Dovan. Below Dovan, there is a huge rapid at Budhi Gandaki. As the elevation increases, the rapids and the scenery undergoes a complete transformation. At Jagat, there is a police check-post where your trekking permit will be checked by the official and we stay overnight at Jagat. O/N Teahouse (B, L, D)

Day 07:
Trek to Nayak (2310m)

Day 07 - Trek to Nayak (2310m) After ascending to a terraced hill of Saguleri and view of Sringi Himal (7177 m) can be seen from very near. Then we continue towards Sirish Gaon, Gandaki valley narrows from herewith soaring precipitous walls. O/N Teahouse (B,L,D)

Day 08:
Trek to Ghap (2100m)

Trek to Ghap (2100m) We’ll be following the trail upstream of Deng River - a tiny village of 4 houses. We walk through a newly built rock tunnel from here, thus avoiding the traditional steep climb. At Ghap, the Tibetan culture begins with Mani stones and Chortens all around. O/N Teahouse (B, L,D)

Day 09:
Day 09:

Day 09 - Trek to Lho (3200m) After crossing the wooden bridge over the river Budhi Gandaki, we follow the path lined with houses that are interspersed with cultivated fields. At Namru, there is a police check post and again our permit and belonging will be checked if necessary. After Namru, across the Hinan river originating from Linda Glacier and continue on to Sho astonishing view of Naike peak, Manaslu north (7,774m) and Manaslu (8,150m) which are clearly visible if weather is clear. O/N Teahouse (B, L,D)

Day 10 :
Trek to Sama Gaon (3500m)

Trek to Sama Gaon (3500m) Walking along with upper reaches of Lho, with the view of snowy peaks Manaslu ahead of us, we pass the new gompa then ascend through light forests next to a small river to reach the Tibetan settlement village called Shyla, where the villagers are often out in their fields. Another few hours of trekking through classic alpine scenery leads us past Tibet grazing settlements, the train to Pung Gyan Gompa, and then Sama Gaon, or Ro, as the locals call it. Sama Gaon sits in a bowl at the foot of the pastures leading to the high peaks, with mani walls, a small gompa, and tightly packed rows of houses at the lower reaches of the village, and the large gompa at the upper reaches. The people settled here from Tibet over 500 years ago, and the two gompas date from this time presents till today, both having unique architecture and built of pure wood. The Tibetan villages here have entrance gates that are very distinctive from the Tibetan ones, and they maintain an active trade with their co-religionists in Tibet (notice the Chinese brandy and beer on sale). If the weather is good, you will see the village women weaving wool (Baal) from Tibet into gowns - which are then traded back to Tibet. Taxes were actually paid to the Dzongka Dzong (fortress) at the border of Tibet, a few days walk from Sama Gaon, as late as the 1940s until it was taken over by the Gorkhas in the late 19th century. Later, after 1959, the region was home to Tibetan guerillas and thus closed to trekking until 1992. In the afternoon hike up to the gompa above the town, and wander the streets of the fascinating Sama Gaon village. O/N Teahouse (B,L, D)

Day 11:
Trek to Samdo (3850m)

Trek to Samdo (3850m) Another day of incredible mountain views during the walk up to Samdo, an easy three hours trekking. En route, we pass the long mani walls at Kermo Kharka, after which we spot the entrance chorten of Samdo high on a bluff. We descend back to the Budi Gandaki and cross a small bridge before another short climb to the 'Kane' entrance of Samdo; look back down the valley for great views. The villagers of Samdo came across the border from the village of Riu after 1959 ad and built their new village here, at their old herding settlement. Samdo village is a collection of houses and lodges at 3850 m, and most trekkers miss the heat of a week ago as we huddle around the stove and wind from Tibet batters the windowpanes. Get out and take a walk around the village, where the inhabitants live an essentially Tibetan lifestyle, herding their yaks, sheep, and goats, training their horses, and planting barley. There is a small home Gompa in a house mid-village which we visited during our last village, a puja being held by several of the reincarnated lamas living in the Samdo. O/N Teahouse (B, L,D)

Day 12:
Acclimatization and exploration day.

Acclimatization and exploration day. We spend one more day acclimatizing ourselves. It is recommended that your body acclimatizes to the high altitude and be adjusted for higher altitudes in the days to follow. O/N Teahouse (B, L,D)

Day 13:
Trek to Dharamsala / Larkya Phedi (4460m)

Trek to Dharamsala / Larkya Phedi (4460m) We leave on the trade route to Tibet and climb through the ruins of Larkya bazaar, one of the trade markets that flourished years back. After two hours of climbing passing glaciers, with increasingly awe-inspiring panoramas, we come to the campsite at Dharamsala, where we have lunch and gaze out at the views. You'll really feel the altitude and the cold here, so enjoy a more leisurely afternoon and keep warm. We'll have an early dinner in preparation for our pass crossing tomorrow. O/N Teahouse (B,L,D)

Day 14:
Trek Larkye Phedi to Larkye peak base camp.

Trek Larkye Phedi to Larkye peak base camp. It will take around 5-6 hours to reach Larkye peak base camp from Phedi. You’ll be already seeing snow and snowcapped mountains in the surroundings. O/N Camping (BLD)

Day 15-17:
Climbing period of Larkya Peak 6010m.

Climbing period of Larkya Peak 6010m. We allow plenty of time to be acclimatized before the summit attempt for the Larkye Peak. On summit day, we will depart for the summit before dawn. The climb up to the summit is quite steep and it takes 6-7 hours. The reward at the summit is one of the world’s most spectacular mountain views you will ever experience. We will then make our way down. O/N Camping (BLD)

Day 18:
Cross Larkya La (5215m) and trek to Bimtang (3590m)

Cross Larkya La (5215m) and trek to Bimtang (3590m)

After a short climb above the campsite, we reach the valley on the Northside of the Larkya Glaciers where we have views of Cho Danda and Larkya Peak. We continue across the moraines of the glacier, making a gradual ascent which becomes steeper only in the last section to the pass, which takes us about three hours to summit. From the pass, there are outstanding views of Himlung Himal, Cheo Himal, Kangguru, and the huge mountain Annapurna II. If there is fresh snow, we may see Snow Leopard prints from the evening before; it's also blue sheep (Bharal) and Tibetan Snow Cock territory.

The views from the top of the pass are truly astonishing. After hanging our Tibetan prayer flags, and yelling 'Ki ki so so lha gyalo' (may the Gods be victorious), get ready for a steep, ankle straining drop to a trail following the glacial moraine, very slippery if covered in snow so have your 'Yak tracks' ready if you've brought them, and definitely use trekking poles. It is a longer day than usual to our campsite at Bimtang, but to walk into these low pastures with the evening mist coming in and Manaslu; it's an experience of a lifetime not to be missed. A boulder-strewn descent brings us, finally, to Bimtang, where the three sisters of the 'Three Sisters Hotel' are on hand with Himalayan chilled beer. O/N at Teahouse (B,L, D)

Day 19:
Trek to Tilje (2500m)

Trek to Tilje (2500m) The route gets easier from today onwards. We start with a gentle climb through paddy fields towards the small Karcha La pass and descend through fig tree and rhododendron forests to Tilje. O/N at Teahouse (B,L, D)

Day 20:
Trek to Tal (1725m)

Trek to Tal (1725m) Follow the trail downstream of Marshyangdi River, passing through the scattered villages to reach Tal village a settlement near Marshyangdi River for an overnight stay. O/N at Lodge (B, L, D)

Day 21:
Trek to Baundanda (1275m)

Trek to Baundanda (1275m) Ascending gently for 30 minutes and the trail runs gently down to Sanjee village, then the trail goes up for 15 minutes to Gharmuu Phant. From here another 2 hours easy walk and 30 minutes up will take to the village of Bahundanda. O/N at the lodge (B, L, D)

Day 22:
Trek to Beshisahar.

Trek to Beshisahar. Today is the last day of our trek, and a hot, five-hour walk through gentle, muted hills and colorful villages to Bhulbhule and Khudi, where we will meet our transport back to Besi Sahar. If the road isn't passable, we continue to walk until Besisahar. O/N at Lodge (B, L, D)

Day 23:
Drive back to Kathmandu (1345m).

Drive back to Kathmandu (1345m). You’ll return to Kathmandu from Besisahar by Bus. You can spend time resting/buying souvenirs back home. In the evening, we will host a farewell dinner in a traditional restaurant with cultural dance performances in celebration of your amazing trip. O/N Hotel (BL)

Day 24:
Final Departure to your home.

Final Departure to your home. One of our representatives from Sange Sherpa Adventure Guide/Staff will drive you off to Tribhuwan International Airport, from where you will board your plan for another destination or your home country. Nepal has many other natural and cultural beauties waiting to be explored. We will be always ready to help you travel around this amazing country. We will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements so that you can explore other parts.

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Equipment List

Nepal Trekking Equipment List

This piece of info is creating data on consumer goods and equipment needs, For those that would love an extra detailed discussion for equipment for the Nepalese Himalayan Trek.
The following equipment list is required for Nepal Trekking and climbing and a list, you have to have suggested equipment just have with you, however, that you just might have your own personal first choice equipment which can be equally as appropriate


  1. Walking boots with suitable ankle support that have been worn in prior to the trek, and which are waterproof.
  2. Trainer or casual shoes, for trekking and/or for travelling.
  3. Warm socks for colder areas.
  4. Gaiters, in case of rain or snow


  1. Loose, casual trousers for trekking.
  2. Thermal leggings for colder areas.
  3. Long skirts for women as an alternative to trousers.
  4. Waterproof trousers


  1. Selection of T-shirts, and long-sleeved shirts, preferably not cotton.
  2. Thermal shirt for colder areas.
  3. Warm shirt, possibly fleeces, for colder areas.
  4. Fleece jacket or warm wool jumper.
  5. Windproof, waterproof outer shell garment for higher altitudes.
  6. Down jacket (optional for cold nights & mornings; can be hired in Kathmandu cheaply)


  1. Wool or fleece hat, or balaclava.
  2. Hat or cap for sun protection while trekking.
  3. Sunglasses or goggles.
  4. Warm gloves

Other items

  1. Strong rucksack or large hold all to be carried by porters.
  2. Daysack to be carried personally.
  3. Plastic bags or stuff sacks to store/separate trekking gear inside your main bag.
  4. One litre water bottle.
  5. Personal first aid kit to include essential items.
  6. Sleeping bag, 4 seasons.
  7. Torch, ideally head torch.
  8. Digital Camera and spare battery and battery charger! – For those not to be forgotten shots of the Himalayas.
  9. Toilet items and towel.
  10. Large handkerchief/bandana for neck

Optional items

  1. Binoculars
  2. Books (see Recommended Reading)
  3. Altimeter
  4. Compass
  5. Playing cards / backgammon / chess set

Recommended Mountaineering Kit

In addition to the items mentioned above for trekking, the following is a list of the additional specialist items which are required for the trekking peaks.
Plastic or leather mountaineering boots, with gaiters and crampons that have been tested for a good fit.

Peak Climbing

  1. fleece trousers
  2. Additional mitts and gloves suitable for climbing
  3. Ice axe, and ski poles (note – ice axe can be hired in Kathmandu)
  4. Climbing harness
  5. 2 x tape slings
  6. 2 x screw gate karabiners
  7. Descended/abseil device
  8. Ascender


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What is Included

  • Airport pickups and drops in a private vehicle.
  • 2 Night hotel accommodation in Kathmandu 
  • Transportation to the starting point and from the ending point.
  • Hotel accommodation with bed and breakfast on a Twin sharing basis as per the itinerary. Food during the trek 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) in specified local lodges or prepared by our cook.
  • All necessary trekking and climbing-related permits including TIMS, National Park Entrance fee, and ACAP Fee.
  • TIMS fee (Trekkers Information Management System fee).
  • Services of an experienced English-speaking trekking-cum-climbing guide, cook, and porters.
  • Porters (1 porter carries the luggage up to 25 kgs of 2 participants during the trek).
  • Sleeping bag and down jacket (if necessary).
  • Accommodation, meals, insurance, equipment, and allowances of guide and staff.
  • Climbing special permit fee.
  • Climbing guide fee.
  • Medical kit (carried by your trek leader)
  • All applicable taxes and service charges.

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What is Excluded

International air ticket and airport taxes

Lunch and dinner while staying in Kathmandu

Nepal entry visa fee

Personal Trekking Equipment for the trek

Gamow bag (altitude chamber) or oxygen

Personal climbing guide

All expenses of personal nature like bar and beverages bills, telephone calls, etc

Personal Travel insurance

Staffs tips

All not mentioned in cost includes

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