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Manaslu Via Tsum Yoga Trek 22 Days 21 Night

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Manaslu Via Tsum Yoga Trek in this geographically extra spectacular and culturally most fascinating area, that rewards the trekkers to discover ultimate nature and cultural heritage and experience the mountain lifestyle in Tsum Valley and Manaslu. The residents of the upper Budi Gandaki River. Part of Tibetan immigrants settled here during the early 16th century. Consequently, their speech, dress, and customs are absolutely similar to Tibetans in the North of Nepal. Manaslu circuit trek

The Mountain Views in Nup Ri are sensational and iconic that you can find nowhere in the world. The dramatic Larke Pass after visiting Tsum Valley is a thrilling life experience. Manaslu Tsum Valley Region extends between sub-tropical and alpine regions. Thus, it houses large varieties of flora and fauna. The valley is blessed with a Himalayan Buddhist pilgrimage site located in the northern part of the Gorkha district, Nepal. In another sense ‘Tsum’ means vivid against the majestic backdrop of the Ganesh Himal, Singri Himal, and Boudha Himal Ranges. This serene Himalayan valley is rich in ancient art, culture, and religion. There is at Dharamsala (4460m) the trek climaxes with the rewarding achievement of cresting at Larke La (5160 m) before descending to Bhimthang and finally Tal to Kathmandu or Pokhara. Bhimtang Trek

This valley is home to some of the unique and historic monasteries, including Mu Gompa and Rachen Gompa. Mani and prayer walls lie on a pretty highland nestled in the lap of the valley and Gompa Lungdang. The tribes here celebrate many Buddhist festivals, perform ritual burning of juniper sense to purify the air and Mother Nature. It is at the base of a conical hill against the main slope of Ganesh Himal. They place the prayer flags and install Mani Walls for the happiness of the entire sentient living beings. Tsum Valley and Manaslu. Whether it’s our well-planned stock route or one of your own designs, we can make it happen for you. Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek

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Day 01:
Arrival in Kathmandu (1,300 m) Upon arrival in Tribhuvan International Airport.

Arrival in Kathmandu (1,300 m) Upon arrival in Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu, you will be greeted by our representatives and will Transport to Hotel. Overnight at a 3-star hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 02:
Restricted Area Permit procedure and Guided Sightseeing tour in Kathmandu Valley.

Restricted Area Permit procedure and Guided Sightseeing tour in Kathmandu Valley As we acquire restricted area permits for you, our tour guide will take you on an excursion to the UNESCO-listed World Heritage Sites of Kathmandu Valley. Starting with the Buddhist stupa of Swayambhunath, you’ll visit the Hindu shrine of Pashupatinath, and another Buddhist stupa of Boudhanath. Later, we discuss the dos and don’ts of the trip. Overnight at the hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 03:
Drive from Kathmandu to Soti Khola710m by land cruiser (6-7hrs)

Drive from Kathmandu to Soti Khola710m by land cruiser (6-7hrs) A westward picturesque ride along the Prithvi Highway, via the lush hills, leads us to Malekhu. Then, driving past Dhading Besi, the road turns curvy and leads us uphill to Gola Bhanjyang where enthralling views of snow-capped mountain peaks can be seen. The road then goes downhill to cross Ankhu Khola, and later, at Arughat, we meet Budhi Gandaki River. A further drive up the west bank of Budhi Gandaki River finally brings us to Soti Khola. Overnight in Soti Khola.

Day 04:
Trek from Soti Khola to Kholabesi 920m, (5-6hrs)

Trek from Soti Khola to Kholabesi 920m, (5-6hrs) After having our breakfast, we move on the track that ascends slowly through lovely Sal forests. It then goes over forested and attached ridges past many waterfalls. It later descends to pass rice paddies before ascending to the attractive Gurung village of Lapubesi (885m). After passing a suspension bridge at the remarkable Nauli Khola falls, the gorge opens out and the track drops onto stony banks along the Budhi Gandaki River before ascending to the village of Machha Khola and continuing trek until reaching Khorlabesi. Overnight in Kholabesi.

Day 05:
Trek from Kholabesi to Jagat 1410m, (6-7hrs)

Trek from Kholabesi to Jagat 1410m, (6-7hrs) After breakfast, we move forward through the narrow tracks on a meandering trail. After passing Tharo Khola, we reach Tatopani. Following the trails of Budhi Gandaki River and walking past a landslide-prone area, we cross the village of Dobhan and Yaruphant. Crossing the suspension bridge over Budhi Gandaki River, we enter Manaslu Conservation Area to walk on a stone paved trail to arrive in Jagat. Overnight in Jagat.

Day 06:
Trek from Jagat to Lokpa 2240m, (6-7hrs)

Trek from Jagat to Lokpa 2240m, (6-7hrs) Today we enter the constrained region of Manaslu and Tsum Valley. Leaving Jagat, we start walking on the riverbank of Budhi Gandaki past the settlements of Salleri, Sirdibas, and Philim. Enjoying the view of Shringi Himal (7161m), we register ourselves at the checkpoint in Philim before heading on to Ekle Bhatti. Still walking alongside Budhi Gandaki River, we arrive at a waterfall before entering the village of Lokpa. Overnight in Lokpa.

Day 07:
Trek from Lokpa to Chumling 2386, (6-7hrs)

Trek from Lokpa to Chumling 2386, (6-7hrs) From Lokpa, we trek to Chumling walking alongside Shiar Khola on a rockfall area. In Chumling, we can visit the three monasteries: Panago Gumba, Mani Dhungyur Gumba, and Gurwa Gumba. From Chumling, we continue to walk up to Domje and then to Chhokang Paro across several small streams. We will have an unobstructed view of Shringi Himal (7161m) throughout the way today. Upper Tsum valley exposes from Chhokang Paro, where the friendly local people welcome you with old-style Tibetan chiya. Overnight Chumling.

Day 08:
Trek from Chumling to Chhokang Paro 3031m, (5-6hrs)

Trek from Chumling to Chhokang Paro 3031m, (5-6hrs) From Chumling, we trek to Chhokang Paro walking alongside Shiar Khola on a rockfall area. In Chumling, we can visit the three monasteries: Panago Gumba, Mani Dhungyur Gumba, and Gurwa Gumba. From Chumling, we continue to walk up to Domje and then to Chhokang Paro across several small streams. We will have an unobstructed view of Shringi Himal (7161m) throughout the way today. Upper Tsum valley exposes from Chhokang Paro, where the friendly local people welcome you with old-style Tibetan chiya.antique Gompa. Overnight Chhokang Paro.

Day 09:
Trek from Chhokang Paro to Nile/ 3361m, (5-6hrs)

Trek from Chhokang Paro to Nile/ 3361m, (5-6hrs) Leaving Chhokang Paro, we Trek uphill alongside Shiar Khola to arrive at the nunnery of Rachen Gompa, which is an ancient nunnery of Tsum Valley. Enjoying the attractive views of the valley, we arrive at Piren Phu/Milarepa cave. Piren Phu is one of the holiest caves in the Tsum valley. Ancient Buddhist paintings, excellent creative scripts carved on stones, long prayer flags, and important Buddhists scripts make this cave one of the most significant socio-cultural assets of the valley. We continue to climb past the villages of Nile and Chule to finally reach Mu Gompa, a big monastery with 100 monks and Hiking Mu Gomba Same day and back to the Nile. The overnight Nile.

Day 10:
Trek from Nile to Chumling 2386m, (5-6hrs)

Trek from Nile to Chumling 2386m, (5-6hrs) After spending the night at the Village of Nile, we trace our way back to Chumling. Walking past small monasteries, Mani walls, and small settlements, we arrive at the sacred Milarepa Cave before reaching the holy monastery of Rachen Gompa, the walls of which are decorated with colorful Buddhist paintings. We then follow Shiar Khola downstream to reach Chhokang Paro. Overnight in Chhumling.

Day 11:
Trek to from Chumling to Deng 1860m, (7-8hrs)

Trek to from Chumling to Deng 1860m, (7-8hrs) Move downhill on a narrow track via the village and to a wooden bridge over Shiar Khola. Cross the bridge to reach Nyak Phedi, and then, ascend steeply on an unclear path through pines and rhododendrons until the path arrives at the Mani wall with prayer flags. Finally, make a vertical twist and climb through huge pine forest of the Himalayas. Astonishing view of the Ganesh Himal range and the other Himalayas can be seen from Gumba Lungdang. Overnight at Deng.

Day 12:
Trek to from Deng to Namrung (2630m).

Trek to from Deng to Namrung (2630m). We take a brief walk from Deng and then we cross the Budhi Gandaki and climb to reach Rana. From here we climb for a while and then head west to Budhi Gandaki valley. The trail passes through forests and painted Mani stones and a corner from where we reach Ghap. Then we take the trail through Prok village which allows us to witness the beautiful view of Siring Himal. We follow the river, crossing it at many places and pass through dense forests and Gompas along the way. After crossing the river at a gorge, the trail becomes leveled and after a last steep climb, we reach Namrung where we stay the night. Namrung is the best viewpoint for Siring and Ganesh Himal as well as Mt. Himal Chuli. Overnight Namrung.

Day 13:
Trek to from Namrung to Lho (3180m).

Trek to from Namrung to Lho (3180m). From Namrung a steep climb and passage through forests take us to Lihi, a village well known for its chortens and barley terraces. After crossing the side valley of Simnang, we pass through Sho and then reach Lho where we spend the night. Late afternoon visit the local monastery after you reached there. Overnight Lho.

Day 14:
Trek from Lho to Samagaun (3500m). After crossing

Trek from Lho to Samagaun (3500m). After crossing the Shyala village, we reach the Sama village where one gets to witness the amazing views of Mount Manaslu and explore the famous Ribung Gompa. The breathtaking view of the high mountains along with glaciers is the highlight of the trip. We stay in Samagaon for the night. Overnight Samagoun.

Day 15:
Acclimatizing day at Samagaun. This day is set aside to rest

Acclimatizing day at Samagaun. This day is set aside to rest and acclimatize to the increasing altitudes. We stay in Samagaon and explore the surrounding areas or visit Birendra Tal and Anie Gompa. The main attraction of the day is the Pungyen Gompa with a spectacular view of the glaciers but it is rather a logs day only recommended for the fit hikers. It is situated on a hill near Samagaon. We hike up to the Gompa named after the two peaks of Manaslu which means bracelet. It was destroyed when the Japanese first tried to summit the peaks. It was believed that the expedition to reach the summit might have angered the Gods. After the detour, we come back to Samagaon and spend the night there. Overnight Samagoun.

Day 16:
Trek to from Sama to Samdo (3860m).

Trek to from Sama to Samdo (3860m). We follow the Budhi Gandaki River up to a stream which we cross on a suspension bridge. From here we take the trail on the right to Larkya la. It is a fairly easy trail, passing through Mani walls and juniper and birch forests. We again cross a bridge over Budhi Gandaki and continue forward. From a stone arch, we can see a kani and after crossing it, we reach Samdo where we spend the night. Overnight Sando.

Day 17:
Trek to from Samdo to Dharamasala (4480m).

Trek to from Samdo to Dharamasala (4480m). We start our day trip by crossing a wooden bridge over Budhi Gandaki River and begin a hike upwards. After crossing a few streams and seeing a glimpse of the Larkya glacier, we go around a valley and make our way upwards again to reach a guesthouse called Dharmashala. This short walk to Larke Phedi provides enough time and rest to acclimatize for the further trek. Overnight Dharmasala.

Day 18:
Trek to from Dharamasala to Cross the Larke pass (5213m) trek down to Bimtang (3720 m).

Trek to from Dharamasala to Cross the Larke pass (5213m) trek down to Bimtang (3720 m). On this day, we make a short climb and reach a valley on the north side of the Larkya glacier with exquisite views of the Larkya peak. We ascend the moraines of a glacier which becomes quite steep at the end before reaching the pass. From here we can enjoy the breathtaking views of Himlung, Cheo, Kanggru and the Annapurna. It is a longer walk than other days and you reach the guesthouse among the low pastures at the dim lights of dusk. When we finally reach Bhimtang, the exquisite view of Mount Manaslu makes every step worth it. Overnight Bhitang.

Day 19:
Trek to from Bimtang to Tilije (2300m).

Trek to from Bimtang to Tilije (2300m). After enjoying the splendid views of the mountains from a ridge in Bhimtang, we make our way down towards a high pasture and then a bridge over Dudh Khola. We walk through rhododendron forests, narrow valleys, and fields before making a climb to the river bank that leads to the village of Gho. A short walk takes us to Tilije with better accommodation options where we spend the night. Overnight Tilje.

Day 20:
Trek to Dharapani and drive to Besishar (760m).

Trek to Dharapani and drive to Besishar (760m). We move in a stone-paved path passing through a beautiful village and then cross a bridge over Dudh Khola, moving past an arch and Mani walls to get to the Thonje village. After passing through a police checkpoint we make our way towards Dharapani from where we enter the Annapurna circuit section. From Dharapani we take a Jeep or bus from Dharapani to Beshishar. which takes 4-5 hours. We spend our last night of the trek at Besishar Overnight.

Day 21:
Drive back to Kathmandu from Besishar.

Drive back to Kathmandu from Besishar. We drive along the banks of Marsyangdi and Trishuli River, witnessing the beautiful scenery of rice fields, terraced farms, rivers, and valleys, and refreshing views of the hilly areas and mountains. After a few hours’ journeys, we reach Kathmandu where we will spend the last night in Nepal. Overnight Kathmandu.

Day 22:
Final transfer to the airport for your flight home.

Final transfer to the airport for your flight home. On your last day of the trip, we will drop you off at Tribhuvan International Airport. We would like to welcome you again to visit our Himalayan kingdom to explore more of the hidden treasures of our nation. Group Joining Basis Price All-inclusive Trek Cost for a single person: USD 2199 per person All-inclusive Trek Cost for 2 person basis: USD 1999 per person All-inclusive Trek Cost for 3-4 person basis: USD 1795 per person All-inclusive Trek Cost for 5-6 person basis: USD 1685 per person Join us on a Tsum Valley and Manaslu Trek traverse Larkya-La Pass in 2020/2021. Note: In case of emergency during the trip, Helicopter will be arranged by Sange Sherpa Adventure Trekking. The charges must be paid by the clients themselves.

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Equipment List

Nepal Trekking Equipment List

This piece of info is creating data on consumer goods and equipment needs, For those that would love an extra detailed discussion for equipment for the Nepalese Himalayan Trek.
The following equipment list is required for Nepal Trekking and climbing and a list, you have to have suggested equipment just have with you, however, that you just might have your own personal first choice equipment which can be equally as appropriate


  1. Walking boots with suitable ankle support that have been worn in prior to the trek, and which are waterproof.
  2. Trainer or casual shoes, for trekking and/or for travelling.
  3. Warm socks for colder areas.
  4. Gaiters, in case of rain or snow


  1. Loose, casual trousers for trekking.
  2. Thermal leggings for colder areas.
  3. Long skirts for women as an alternative to trousers.
  4. Waterproof trousers


  1. Selection of T-shirts, and long-sleeved shirts, preferably not cotton.
  2. Thermal shirt for colder areas.
  3. Warm shirt, possibly fleeces, for colder areas.
  4. Fleece jacket or warm wool jumper.
  5. Windproof, waterproof outer shell garment for higher altitudes.
  6. Down jacket (optional for cold nights & mornings; can be hired in Kathmandu cheaply)


  1. Wool or fleece hat, or balaclava.
  2. Hat or cap for sun protection while trekking.
  3. Sunglasses or goggles.
  4. Warm gloves

Other items

  1. Strong rucksack or large hold all to be carried by porters.
  2. Daysack to be carried personally.
  3. Plastic bags or stuff sacks to store/separate trekking gear inside your main bag.
  4. One litre water bottle.
  5. Personal first aid kit to include essential items.
  6. Sleeping bag, 4 seasons.
  7. Torch, ideally head torch.
  8. Digital Camera and spare battery and battery charger! – For those not to be forgotten shots of the Himalayas.
  9. Toilet items and towel.
  10. Large handkerchief/bandana for neck

Optional items

  1. Binoculars
  2. Books (see Recommended Reading)
  3. Altimeter
  4. Compass
  5. Playing cards / backgammon / chess set

Recommended Mountaineering Kit

In addition to the items mentioned above for trekking, the following is a list of the additional specialist items which are required for the trekking peaks.
Plastic or leather mountaineering boots, with gaiters and crampons that have been tested for a good fit.

Peak Climbing

  1. fleece trousers
  2. Additional mitts and gloves suitable for climbing
  3. Ice axe, and ski poles (note – ice axe can be hired in Kathmandu)
  4. Climbing harness
  5. 2 x tape slings
  6. 2 x screw gate karabiners
  7. Descended/abseil device
  8. Ascender

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What is Included

  •  Pick up and drop off Airport-Hotel-Airport in Kathmandu by private vehicle.

  • 2 Night hotel accommodation in Kathmandu with breakfast
  • Teahouse accommodation during the trek
  • All meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) during the trek
  • All ground transportation vehicles as per the itinerary
  • All meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) during the trek
  • All necessary paperwork and trekking  Permit MCP and ACP (Manaslu Special Permit).
  • TIMS (Trekking Information Management System.
  • An experienced, English-speaking, and government-licensed trek leader and assistant trek leader (4 trekkers: 1 assistant guide)
  • An experienced and first aid trained license holder accompanying a trekking guide
  • Equipped and insured trekking porter (one porter for 2 persons, one porter carries 25 KG.).
  • Meals, insurance, salary, equipment, accommodation, transportation of our Staff.
  • Porter service (2 trekkers: 1 porter).
  • Medic All government and local taxes
  • medical supplies kit (carried by your trek leader)
  • Farewell dinner

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What is Excluded

Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu.

Alcoholic beverages, personal nature expenses, Mineral water, laundry, phone calls, Internet.

Emergency rescue evacuation if required such as personal accident insurance or Helicopter rescue.

Extra luggage and personal trekking gear.

Extra porter cost US$15 per person per day per 20 Kg.

International flight tickets, date change, or re-issue If required.

Nepal visa fee, Visa issuance is easy upon arrival.

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